We Create Our Own World

It is important to understand that all of us two-leggeds create our own thoughts and emotions. We create our own fears, doubts, joys, and sorrows. But most of us think forces, events, people, and other things external to us cause us to feel and think certain ways. We say, “she made me mad,” or “he makes me happy.” When we believe this kind of thinking, we give our power away. Thinking external causes make us happy, afraid, sad, or angry is the same as believing we are robots manipulated by forces beyond our control.

It is true that events happen around us and to us all the time, but the way we form our internal emotional and rational world in response to those events is up to us. Should we be angry sometimes at our partner? Probably so. But we ought to tell ourselves that we are making ourselves angry, instead of saying, “he is making me angry”. It is not "blaming" yourself to say or think that way; it is "empowering" yourself.

Relationships thrive when those in the relationship understand this profound truth and behave accordingly.